Withholding of Removal

Withholding of Removal

Withholding of removal is part of the United States Removal or Deportation Proceedings. In some cases, removal proceedings are also known as deportation proceedings. These are processes initiated by the United States government to determine if a foreign national must be removed from the country.

What is Withholding of Removal?

Withholding of removal protects refugees from returning to a country where they may face threats. In order to remain in the United States, you must prove that your removal from the U.S. may threaten your life, freedom or religion. You also need to prove you are a refugee and that there will be unfavorable circumstances should you be forced to return to your country of origin. Each individual case is different. For a case evaluation, contact the attorneys at Scott D. Pollock & Associates, P.C. today.

Contact an Immigration Attorney Today

The process of removal or deportation can be extremely difficult to fight on your own. Your chances of success are higher with the help of an immigration attorney. At Scott D. Pollock & Associates, we represent our clients throughout all stages of removal proceedings. With over seven decades of combined experience, we’re here to offer you the legal assistance you need.

Contact a member of our team today at 312.444.1940.

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